Available Magic Tags for Google Calendar Add-On

You can use Magic Tags in the body of the Event Builder that will automatically be replaced with the corresponding order data.

The available Magic Tags are as follows:

  • {order_id}
  • {customer_first_name}
  • {customer_last_name}
  • {customer_full_name}
  • {customer_address}
  • {customer_email}
  • {customer_phone}
  • {order_total}
  • {order_items}
  • {order_status}
  • {order_type}
  • {order_url}
  • {order_expected_date}
  • {order_expected_time}
  • {order_selected_location}
  • {order_notes}
  • {store_name}
  • {store_url}

Feel free to recommend Magic Tags by contacting us.

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