Dates in DD.MM.YY format
1.4.2 (Released 07.01.25)
- [New PRO] Added Timeslot specific locations feature. This feature lets you select which locations are available for specific timeslots on a given day of the week. Learn more >>>
- [Fix] Issue where Timeslot fees would not be applied to checkout fees.
- [Fix] The height of the Chwazi input fields on the checkout form.
- [Dev] Updated Freemius SDK.
- [Info] Tested on WC 9.5.
1.4.1 (Released 31.10.24)
- [Fix] Issue where order placement buffer feature was removing some timeslots when using 12hr time format.
- [Fix] Some older sites with older WooCommerce installations would get a class not found error due to not having HPOS support files present in Woocommerce.
- [Dev] Added
filters for controlling the timeslots sent back to the checkout page before/after Chwazi has performed some of it’s logic on them. - [Dev] Updated Freemius SDK.
- [Info] Tested on WP 6.7-rc2.
- [Info] Tested on WC 9.4-rc2.
1.4.0 (Released 14.08.24)
- [Change] NOTE: The operation of “Maximum days in future” feature has been changed. Setting this option to 0 will no longer set an unlimited days in the future. It will instead set the max order date to “today”. If you previously had this option set to 0 for unlimited, then you should now set an actual number value for the amount of days in the future that you’d like orders to be limited to.
- [Info] Tested on WC 9.2-rc1.
- [Info] Tested on WP 6.6.
- [Dev] Updated Freemius SDK.
1.3.0 (Released 26.06.24)
- [New] Added feature to make timeslot fees taxable.
- [Improvement] Order placement buffer time will now work for times in the future past the current date.
- [Fix] Issue with 12hr time sometimes hanging checkout due to incorrect normalizing of time.
- [Fix] Checkout would be prevented if only Pickup scheduling was enabled in Chwazi but customer tried to use a normal flat rate delivery method.
- [Change] Allow saving of order type to order meta even when no date and time fields are present on checkout.
- [Change] Do not save location meta data if location feature not being used.
- [Info] Update pot language file.
- [Info] Tested on WC 9.
- [Info] Update Google Calendar Add-on when updating to this version of Chwazi.
1.2.7 (Released 17.03.24)
* [New] Option to include current day in when calculating minimum and maximum days in future.
* [Info] Add notice for sites using WooCommerce Blocks Checkout.
* [Info] Tested on WP 6.5-RC2.
* [Info] Tested on WC 8.7-RC1.
1.2.6 (Released 19.02.24)
- [Info] Version bump
1.2.5 (Released 19.02.24)
- [New] Google Calendar Add-On. Sync your store orders to your Google Calendar. [Learn more](
- [Improvement PRO] Use standard method for getting maxed dates everywhere the option is needed.
- [Fix] False positive when logging the outcome of retrieving timeslot fees.
- [Info] Tested on WC 8.6.
1.2.4 (Released 01.02.23)
- [Fix] Console error when countdown timer element not present on page.
- [Change] Added official plugin name “Chwazi”. Meaning “To choose”/”Choice” in Saint Lucian Creole.
- [Change] Update site links to new domain.
1.2.3 (Released 17.01.23)
- [Fix] Fulfillment details were not being added to Invoice emails.
- [Info] Tested on WC 8.5.
- [Dev] Updated Freemius SDK.
1.2.2 (Released 20.12.23)
- [New] Set dynamic checkout fees based on time slots. Learn more
- [New] Added a new “Buttons” option for order type selection on checkout page.
- [Fix] Reminder emails were not being sent out.
- [Improvement PRO] Cancelled orders will now decrease the number of pending orders for that date when using the Order Capacity feature; allowing customers to select newly freed up dates/time slots.
- [Dev] Allow filtering of available timezones shown in plugin settings.
- [Info] Tested on WP 6.4.
- [Info] Tested on WC 8.4.
1.2.1 (Released 22.10.23)
- [Dev] Update stable tag.
1.2.0 (Released 22.10.23)
- [New] Order Placement Buffer feature. Allows store owners to set a safe amount of time for preparing customer orders.
- [New] Add option to control filtering of shipping methods by the plugin. This was always enabled before, it can now be turned off or on.
- [Dev] Allow filtering of plugin’s order data before saving using
filter. - [Dev] Began moving to Carbon PHP library for working with dates and times.
- [Dev] Update Freemius SDK.
- [Info] Compatibility with WC HPOS.
- [Info] Tested on WC 8.2
1.1.2 (Released 26.08.23)
- [Fix] Console error when replacing time field on sites using only Pickup features of the plugin.
- [Change] Roleback current time feature. Time shown was not respecting site timezone.
- [Dev] Updated Freemius SDK.
1.1.1 (Released 26.08.23)
- [Dev] Version bump.
1.1.0 (Released 26.08.23)
- [New] Reminders feature. Send customers email reminders before their delivery/pickup order.
- [New] Option to remove passed time slots from dropdown.
- [New] Option to show current time on checkout page.
- [Fix] Validation was being ran on Time and Date field even when features were turned off.
- [Fix] Duplicate time field on mobile.
- [Improvement] Automatically hide shipping fields when customer switches to “Pickup” order type.
- [Improvement] Don’t show order details countdown timer when no time was selected for order.
- [Improvement] Block time selection field while Ajax is running.
- [Improvement] Added localization fields for “Order type”, “Order date” and “Order time” text that show in emails.
1.0.14 (Released 08.08.23)
- [Fix PRO] Customer note would not show unless locations feature was turned on.
- [Fix PRO] Store location text would show on Thank You page when feature was not turned on.
- [Fix] Shipping methods were not always updating based on order type.
- [Info] Tested on WC 8.0.
- [Info] Tested on WP 6.3.
1.0.13 (Released 31.07.23)
- [Fix] Error checking out when no email options are selected in plugin settings.
- [Info] Tested on WP 6.3.
1.0.12 (Released 20.07.23)
- [Improvement] Remove Kikote plugin related JS logic since Kikote Visibility Rules can take care of it.
- [Dev] Updated Freemius SDK.
1.0.11 (Released 06.07.23)
- [Fix] Call to undefined method.
- [Fix] Console error when hiding non-existent Kikote saved addresses field.
1.0.10 (Released 06.07.23)
- [Dev] Version bump.
1.0.9 (Released 06.07.23)
- [Compatibility] Always show Kikote’s store selector dropdown when order type is Pickup and option to hide the store selector is set to false.
- [Info] Tested on WC 7.9.
- [Dev] Updated Freemius SDK.
1.0.8 (Released 13.06.23)
- [New PRO] Locations feature to create different delivery and pickup locations that customers can select from.
- [New] Option to hide Kikote map and store selector when switching order type to “pickup”.
- [Dev] Updated Freemius SDK.
- [Info] Tested on WC 7.7.
- [Info] Tested on WC 7.8.0.
1.0.7 (Released 04.04.23)
- [Fix] Wrong text for the option that controls which emails to include the date and time fields inside.
1.0.6 (Released 04.04.23)
- [New] Added Orders “Fulfillment” column to show order date and time.
- [New] Added Localization fields so store owners can change the “Order Type”, “Delivery”, “Pickup”, “Change order to” texts on the checkout page as well as text on order details page.
- [New] Hide delivery and pickup methods based on the order type.
- [New] General Settings option to add selected order type, order date & time fields to the order emails.
- [New PRO] Hide shipping or delivery option based on User Role.
- [Info] Tested on WP 6.2.
- [Info] Tested on WC 7.5.
1.0.5 (Released 07.03.23)
- [Fix] Review notice was not stopping when dismissed.
- [Improvement] Add a copy of POT file for self translations. You’re encouraged to however submit translations here
- [Improvement] Update plugin assets.
- [Info] Tested on WP 6.2-beta5.
- [Info] Tested on WC 7.4.
1.0.3 (Released 04.02.23)
- [Improvement] Add some content to SL Plugins menu item
1.0.3 (Released 21.01.23)
- [Fix] Wrong request key when grabbing time slots for a particular day.
- [Improvement] Made plugin’s menu structure and logic better.
- [Improvement] Add plugin assets.
- [Info] Tested on WC 7.3.
1.0.2 (Released 21.01.23)
- [Info] Version bump